Attend & garden your tools

You should always work on your tool belt.

Improve the tools you’re using.

I’m using vim and tux and constantly learn new tricks and new shortcuts.

I have a post-it note with new stuff I want to learn and still need to look up. Once they become second nature, I create a new post-it, and move on to the next shortcuts.

I also use Alfred and add new workflows where I see fit. The last one that I did is a simple calculation for my profit first distribution. I input the money that I received from a client and Alfred shows the distribution into the several accounts.

Another one is a shortcut for creating shorturls for my domain. When I don‘t add a second parameter it randomly generates a new url and adds it to the clipboard.

Since I use my iPad more and more, I use the Shortcuts app to create shortcuts on mobile as well.

For example I have an Alfred and shortcuts workflow to transform a link to Cloudinary to a responsive link.

I should add them to my dotfiles and definitely update them again.

What are workflows or shortcuts that you create?